... sau cum am ajuns aici, pe pagina propriului meu blog, incercand sa imi adorm demonii, sa scap de refulari, sa depasesc trecutul si sa imi asum VIATA.
Nu am sa incep cu inceputul, nici nu promit ca am sa am curajul si puterea sa ma intorc inapoi si sa caut motivele pentru care... am ajuns aici.
"love will lead us...
we meet again /it's like we never left /time in between was just a dream /did we leave this place?this crazy fog surrounds me / you wrap your legs around me /all I can do to try and breathe / let me breathe ...
life is like a shooting star / it don't matter who you are /if you only run for cover, it's just a waste of time. we are lost 'til we are found
I've been to pretty buildings, all in search of you
I have lit all the candles, sat in all the pews / the desert had been done before, but I didn't even care /I got sand in both my shoes and scorpions in my hair.life is like a shooting star / it don't matter who you are /if you only run for cover, it's just a waste of time. we are lost 'til we are found
I've been to pretty buildings, all in search of you
I saw that...
oh the distance is not do-able in these bodies of clay ..."
E. Kowalczyk
LIVE - "The Distance To Here"
Sper ca nu voi fi singura in aceasta calatorie introspectiva.
2 comentarii:
cum ai fost, deci, in aceasta calatorie? :)
n-am fost singura, asta e clar ;)
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