marți, 27 ianuarie 2009

to just not care

It's so good to just not care...
but sometimes so hard, almost imposible.
and i'm not talking about the important stuff, u should care about those, right?

it's the little stuff that are eating us from inside out...
little worries like bugs in my brain, here's a picture that's gonna keep me awake tonight.

Just forget about it! can u? good. tonight you're gonna get some rest,
u'll care about all that another night! your worries will still be there when you'll wake up.
wish they weren't. but hey, where would they go? they're yours, right?

tough luck, lady! deal with it.
tomorrow... there's always tomorrow.
till one day...
when it'll be over.
just go to bed, and shut up!

2 comentarii:

joaquin carvel spunea...

yes, exactly...especially the second stanza....i am so glad to know i am not alone...

Silly Girl spunea...

oh, you're so not alone...
but what good does it bring?
still feels like you are!