vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008

Letter to myself...

Lately I wake up in the morning always trying to make sense of it all. Useless… the meaning is just not there! Also I find it hard to breathe… pollution! I say to myself…
The coffee tastes like metal, food is no good “go see a doctor!” my friends tell me, which is always easier said than done, who the hell wants to see a doctor?! Hey, does he look like Jude Law? I doubt that!
So, what’s left? Lay down and die? Don’t wake up in the morning… try waking up in the evening for a change… sleep all day, party all night… no, this doesn’t sound like me. But “me” doesn’t work anymore!
Hmm… Need a change, a big one!
Something in the air tonight… a cold wind! Winter it’s coming, my nose froze on the way to work… turn on the heat, make a hot chocolate, turn on PC, check my e-mails, post a few comments, smile to my boss while doing it…
Am I the only one who’s looking for meaning in all this mess that surrounds us? Fuck, no!
But you’re the only one who's stuck… stuck… so unstuck yourself!
“Have a child!” they say… Funny!… like: “Have a break, have a kit-kat!”… my mind thinks backwards: “So, why am I here? Cuz’ my mother needed a break 30 years ago?... Stupid answer, stupid question, stupid feelings of rejection.
Come tomorrow, maybe we’ll have a drop of sun for u then ;)

6 comentarii:

humanobserver spunea...

Hope everything will be alright...
You can also hit my via

Silly Girl spunea...

of course it will, it is, i may have exagerated a bit , i think i love drama just a little too much :P

ty for your thoughts!

Kadri Luik spunea...

I know those days all too well, and the need for a change too.

I got it alright, but not in the way I had thought. Facing death certainly changed my priorities in an instant.

... getting a child because you need a break... what are they thinking? Children are life time commitments not breaks.

Anonim spunea...

in deed they are!

I hope i won't have to face death to appreciate what life has to offer.

joaquin carvel spunea...

a drop of sun!


Anonim spunea...

"Stupid answer, stupid question, stupid feelings of rejection."

Sounds like a song.

It's always nice to know there are other humans out there.