He had stars in his eyes,
Sun in his smile
And the moon by his side.
But that wasn't enough
For he was but a half
Of the man he once was.
Cause all that he had
Could not give him back
The heart that he lack
Witch he never took back
From the girl he once loved....
2 comentarii:
da, eu zic ca asa suntem toti, ne pierdem inimile (si mintile) in copilarie, ba printr-un lan cu porumb ba prin fata blocului cand ne jucam cu papusile, ba prin camera parintilor la prima cearta de proportii. cred ca nimeni n-ajunge cu tot cu inima nici macar la prima iubire :D
si suntem toti half of the men we used to be.
ce frumoasa e poza
all that he had...could not give him back...
what we can possess can never fill what we give away - especially when it's lost. this is beautiful, sad, and leaves me reeling.
(amazing painting, too...)
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