sâmbătă, 30 ianuarie 2010

Human Behaviour?

I guess that, when people get too close too fast, I get lost!
It happens every time.

5 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

Well, it looks like your readers don't speak english :-D.
Of course. It is ;).

silly me spunea...

@ C - you assume I only write in order to get a comment of some sort...
There are things I just want to get out of my system. not expecting any feed-back. like this one.

but you know... I've got readers that don't speak romanian. :P and that's ok too. :)

m spunea...

da fata ia tradu aici ca sa putem si noi sa comentam ;D

silly speakin' english spunea...

:))) taci tu, m! :)))

nu mai are voie omu' sa vb in engleza pe blogu' lui... ca vin comentatorii si-l comenteaza.

data viitoare o sa scriu in chineza :P

mai comentati???

m spunea...

da, eu as comenta ;D
eu stiu si un cuvant in chineza, adica e impropriu spus ca il stiu, dar ma descurc sa-l iau cu copy paste ;D
uite, ti-l plasez aici, ca un fel de joc de cuvinte, ca s-ar traduce prin GO :))
圍棋 :)))