Can too much love really harm someone?
I'm damaged by the love received.
Start fixing me before it's too late...
don't hesitate
Cuz in order to build
you have to take down first
My mind is ready to crack
soon will be nothing but ashes
Promise you'll have me...
Help me reborn
No point in living
When my soul is torn
Green is the colour
"Mad" is the word
You are my cross...
sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009
Uneori imi pare ca ma risipesc pe mine, insasi materia umana din care sunt plamadita, in trairi efemere, pseudo-dileme, nesfarsite monologuri pline cu intrebari retorice...
"... seceta nu se abate numai asupra pamantului, cand moare iarba si tanjesc plantele si copacii, ci si asupra simtirii oamenilor, cand se ofilesc si se usuca toate sentimentele."
ei "fac risipa cu sentimente si idei..."
Risipitorii - M.P.
"... seceta nu se abate numai asupra pamantului, cand moare iarba si tanjesc plantele si copacii, ci si asupra simtirii oamenilor, cand se ofilesc si se usuca toate sentimentele."
ei "fac risipa cu sentimente si idei..."
Risipitorii - M.P.
joi, 29 ianuarie 2009
Facuti pentru dragoste...
Nu putem fi toti buni la toate, mi se pare logic.
Imi explica un el odata, cum unii sunt facuti pentru dragoste, altii se pricep sa faca bani, cativa sunt buni conducatori, unii sunt buni parinti, altii sunt buni prieteni, eu ma pricep de minune sa fac totul praf... am ridicat la rang de arta acest talent nativ care "m-a ajutat" sa dau gata pana acum relatii, prietenii, proiecte... si cam tot ce stiu sa incep "asa frumos" se duce naibii la fel de frumos.
Nu, "se duce" nu e bine zis, ca e impersonal, ori ce se intampla aici e foarte personal - cauza principala si de cele mai multe ori si unica, fiind exact persoana mea.
Pot eu sa ma supar pe mine???...
Intrebarea asta ramane deschisa. Pana atunci - inca imi doresc sa fi fost una din fiintele acelea care se pricep in ale iubirii, nascute pentru a iubi si a se face iubite, cred ca sigur as fi fost fericita atunci. Inca mai cred ca iubirea se poate invata. Macar cat sa trec clasa.
marți, 27 ianuarie 2009
to just not care
It's so good to just not care...
but sometimes so hard, almost imposible.
and i'm not talking about the important stuff, u should care about those, right?
it's the little stuff that are eating us from inside out...
little worries like bugs in my brain, here's a picture that's gonna keep me awake tonight.
Just forget about it! can u? good. tonight you're gonna get some rest,
u'll care about all that another night! your worries will still be there when you'll wake up.
wish they weren't. but hey, where would they go? they're yours, right?
tough luck, lady! deal with it.
tomorrow... there's always tomorrow.
till one day...
when it'll be over.
just go to bed, and shut up!
but sometimes so hard, almost imposible.
and i'm not talking about the important stuff, u should care about those, right?
it's the little stuff that are eating us from inside out...
little worries like bugs in my brain, here's a picture that's gonna keep me awake tonight.
Just forget about it! can u? good. tonight you're gonna get some rest,
u'll care about all that another night! your worries will still be there when you'll wake up.
wish they weren't. but hey, where would they go? they're yours, right?
tough luck, lady! deal with it.
tomorrow... there's always tomorrow.
till one day...
when it'll be over.
just go to bed, and shut up!
luni, 26 ianuarie 2009
"Leave Out All The Rest"
vineri, 23 ianuarie 2009
Why do angels die?...
She was an angel
But do angels feel love?
So she was a woman
But can a woman
Fly like a butterfly?
And swim like a dolphin?
Feel like the softest silk?
Smell like the sweetest thing?
Shine like a summer’s day?
Glow like a summer’s night?
Not just a woman
So she was not just that
Smiles as she puts one hand
On his shoulder
Whispers to him
And he knows
She was his mother
And as he watches her drifting away
He touches his shoulder
And cries to her – “Stay!…”
But do angels feel love?
So she was a woman
But can a woman
Fly like a butterfly?
And swim like a dolphin?
Feel like the softest silk?
Smell like the sweetest thing?
Shine like a summer’s day?
Glow like a summer’s night?
Not just a woman
So she was not just that
Smiles as she puts one hand
On his shoulder
Whispers to him
And he knows
She was his mother
And as he watches her drifting away
He touches his shoulder
And cries to her – “Stay!…”
miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2009
She puts one foot before the other…
Looks scared ahead
A long and silent road…
And wonders why she even bothers
What’s there for her to find?
They say it’s not the end that matters
But what you leave behind.
People you meet…
Memories you make…
And in the end you simply find
That life is just a long way home!
Looks scared ahead
A long and silent road…
And wonders why she even bothers
What’s there for her to find?
They say it’s not the end that matters
But what you leave behind.
People you meet…
Memories you make…
And in the end you simply find
That life is just a long way home!
She puts one foot before the other,
She'll soon be there...
luni, 19 ianuarie 2009
no comment
" povestirea este intotdeauna aceeasi:
Traia odata un barbat, iar o femeie il iubea."
Jerome K. Jerome - Arta de a NU scrie un roman
Traia odata un barbat, iar o femeie il iubea."
Jerome K. Jerome - Arta de a NU scrie un roman
sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009
Intaia iubire
marți, 13 ianuarie 2009
“Beyond love there’s no belief “
LOVED (1997)
It talks about the abusive and destructive relationships and how when you love and are loved you enter in a surreal state, you are living on the edge of insanity in a way… your reality becomes a universe of two, and nothing beyond that can offer comfort or a sense of security that can support your life.
A suspended reality… that only one’s first love can create.
A suspended reality… that only one’s first love can create.
I remember how it felt, long time ago.
I remember, after the love was gone… how I had to learn how to walk again…
At first with fear, after that with my head bowed down… and finally … indifferent.
The stage I’m in.
I remember, after the love was gone… how I had to learn how to walk again…
At first with fear, after that with my head bowed down… and finally … indifferent.
The stage I’m in.
sâmbătă, 10 ianuarie 2009
2, 3, 4 fire de poveste...
"De treci codri de aramă, de departe vezi albind
Ş-auzi mîndra glăsuire a pădurii de argint."“Acum iată că din codru şi Călin mirele iese,
Care ţine-n a lui mînă mîna gingaşei mirese.
Îi foşnea uscat pe frunze poala lung-a albei rochii,”
“Şi pe masa-mpărătească sare-un greier, crainic sprinten,
Ridicat în două labe, s-a-nchinat bătînd din pinten;
El tuşeşte, îşi încheie haina plină de şireturi:
- Să iertaţi, boieri, ca nunta s-o pornim şi noi alături.”
mirele falnic ca un brad si mireasa cu al ei alb val in cascade
au pus de nunta imparateasca in inima padurii fermecate.
eu am zis sa va trimit invitatiile… asa ca iata!
marți, 6 ianuarie 2009
I'll always have hope
- What are you thinking about?
- You...
- What about me?
- I rarely see you… I hardly know you… but
I will miss you when you’re gone… and one day you’ll be gone… for good.
- Isn’t that what happens with everybody?
- No I wasn’t talking about
gone-gone… like
dying, but gone…
disappeared, left without a trace, without saying good bye!
- You think is better with good bye?
- No… worst! At least without good bye
I’ll still have hope…
- You’ll always have hope
- But I won’t always have you!
- You never had
- I know…
- You...
- What about me?
- I rarely see you… I hardly know you… but
I will miss you when you’re gone… and one day you’ll be gone… for good.
- Isn’t that what happens with everybody?
- No I wasn’t talking about
gone-gone… like
dying, but gone…
disappeared, left without a trace, without saying good bye!
- You think is better with good bye?
- No… worst! At least without good bye
I’ll still have hope…
- You’ll always have hope
- But I won’t always have you!
- You never had
- I know…
luni, 5 ianuarie 2009
sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009
o fiinta imposibila
... si daca eu nu sunt decat o fiinta imposibila, neincrezatoare, nesigura pe sine, care o da pe glume cand de fapt ar vrea sa planga - dar isi zice ca nimanui nu-i pasa de cei ce-si plang de mila?
si ma ascund in umbra viselor mele... de cine ma ascund? de ei? de mine?
si pana cand? nu o sa vina nimeni sa ma traga de maneca, vor trece peste mine razand...
am sa ma ascund mai adanc si am sa imi astup urechile. nu cer nimic. nu am cerut sa exist.
nu am cerut sa imi pese. nu am cerut sa ma doara. nu am cerut sa te iubesc cum o fac...
"si-atunci ma apropii de pietre si tac
iau cuvintele si le inec in mare
suier luna si o rasar si o prefac
intr-o dragoste mare"
joi, 1 ianuarie 2009
Atunci i-a dat prin cap ca poate nu are sa se schimbe niciodata, ca poate asta e tot ce poate da… nu toti oamenii sunt facuti sa traiasca impreuna... mai sunt si aceia… care merg singuri pe drumul lor, indiferent cat de greu si tacut e urcusul,
indiferent cat de lung si urat e coborasul…
Un gand prea negru pe care nu-l putea inghiti din prima.
Mai intai trebuia acceptat faptul ca pentru el nu mai e nici o speranta.
Asa ceva nimeni nu poate accepta fara impotrivire.
“Nu!” isi spuse “mai e timp, inca nu a sosit clipa…”
Clipa... proverbiala clipa...
Era in negare.
indiferent cat de lung si urat e coborasul…
Un gand prea negru pe care nu-l putea inghiti din prima.
Mai intai trebuia acceptat faptul ca pentru el nu mai e nici o speranta.
Asa ceva nimeni nu poate accepta fara impotrivire.
“Nu!” isi spuse “mai e timp, inca nu a sosit clipa…”
Clipa... proverbiala clipa...
Era in negare.
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