luni, 24 noiembrie 2008

de la votare mi se trage

As vrea asa sa am un motiv de enervare, un ceva care sa ma scoata din sarite, da’ rau de tot, sa-mi ies din pepeni si sa scot din mine ocari, invective si omoruri… pfffff ti-ai gasit! O lene sora cu moartea m-a izbit , un sictir universal isi face de cap la mine-n cuget, de sa nu ma recunosc. Parca nu ma mai framanta nimik zilele astea, si unde mai deunazi imi doream o oaza de linistire si repaus – acuma parca prea e nefiresc sa te lase nervu’ asa dintr-o data, fara preaviz, fara bilet de despartire… tam-nisam!
Ma duc sa-l caut… ma intorc ori cu el, ori de loc!

vineri, 21 noiembrie 2008

Prin ochii tai

As vrea sa vad lumea prin ochii tai, macar o zi.
Te-as intelege asa cum nici o fiinta nu a fost vreodata inteleasa,
te-as simti asa cum nici un suflet nu a simtit un alt suflet,
te-as cunoaste, cum nu a fost nicicand cunoasterea traita.
As fi in tine, ai fi in mine…
Dar ma opresc din visare… imi dau seama ca nu e ceea ce imi doresc, pentru ca mi-e teama sa ma vad prin ochii tai pe MINE !

joi, 20 noiembrie 2008

Shallow skies

It’s time to confess

I have tried to impress

You. But I guess… u figured that out

By now. Too late… my heart moved on

It now sings another song

Yours is long gone…

Cant make feelings stay

Anyway, better this way.

I’m taking my first steps on life’s road

Away … from you.

Look… the sun is rising…

I’ve never seen this sky before

Not like today… not anymore!

Could be that I’ve grown…

I am my own!

marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

He said…and then she said…

he says:
I never thought it would be so hard for you to give up…
she says:
it's not the game i miss, it's not why i keep coming back
it's a feeling of belonging and...
the illusion i can do anything i want
he says:
like you said "illusion"
she says:
sometimes that's all we have
he says:
and you are already doing anything you want in real
she says:
am i?
think not

It was a game that got me stuck in my own dream-land for a while… now I’m letting go… slowly…
Parts of me are still in there, wondering in those woods…. Will I ever find my way out?
In order to do anything I want, I must know what it is I want first.
That’s a tough one!

sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2008

Fiul de pescar si fata din turn

Traia odata un fiu de pescar.
In vremea aceea o mare criza lovi bransa pescarilor - marile secasera si mai nou pescarii cultivau orez pe fundul oceanelor… asta nu era de el. Auzise ca la marginea lumii mai exista un ocean si plecase in cautarea lui, la urma urmei, ce avea de pierdut? Lui nu-i placea decat orezul cu lapte – iar vacile erau toate nebune.
Isi stranse plasele si p’aici ti-e drumul. Statu o clipa’n loc – acuma incotro sa fie marginea lumii? Ajunse la concluzia ca oricat de mare ar fi lumea, pana la urma in orice parte ai lua-o trebuie sa ajungi la capat odata si-odata… caci TOATE lucrurile au un sfarsit!
Trecura ani, intre timp fiul de pescar uita gustul laptelui si se reprofilase – acum intindea capcane cu plasele pentru pesti, si prindea pasari pe care le vindea prin targuri ca sa aiba cu ce isi cumpara o bucata de paine, o bucata de branza si o cana cu vin. Aproape ca uitase ce cauta de atata amar de vreme prin lume…
Nu mai stim cati ani se scursera cu exactitate pana in ziua cand fiul de pescar se trezi in fata unui turn ce se inalta pe o stanca lovita de valurile spumoase ale unui ocean verde-albastru.
Adica gasise oceanul! Doar ca acum… nu mai intelegea ce anume il facuse sa colinde lumea pentru niste peste… hmm!
Ridica ochii spre turnul cel alb si patrunse in el… urca pe indelete cele 177 de trepte si se opri.
Acolo sus – intinsa pe o rogojina, dormea o fata. Parea ca doarme asa de la inceputul lumii. Fiul de pescar ingenunche si o privi si cum o privea asa i se paru ca fata ii zambeste.
Atunci o atinse… si ea se deschise ca o floare la atingerea lui tremuratoare… vuietul valurilor care se spargeau cu putere si in mod repetat la picioarele turnului, abia ajungea pana la ei.
Deodata, lumea parea toata imbracata-n sarbatoare, totul plutea, toate lucrurile erau pesti, totul parea lipsit de sens si nimic nu mai avea nici o valoare…
Cumva, dragostea isi este sie insasi de ajuns!

miercuri, 12 noiembrie 2008

The Pain

I try to ignore it
Though it never goes away
I came to accept it
This one it’s here to stay
Sometimes I think
The game I play
Is nothing but a mournful way
To push inside
All things gone bad
Along the way…
You are a puzzle I can’t solve
I miss one piece too many
A riddle in my mind
The answer could be any…

luni, 10 noiembrie 2008

Thief Monkey...

Playing tricks
Breaking sticks
Telling jokes
Throwing stones
Eating bugs
Catching bones
Seems to me
Like a pretty good deal

All this
Just for your smile
to steal…

duminică, 9 noiembrie 2008

It all comes down to this

"- We mortals feel too much, hurt too much,
and all too soon... we die.
But we do have the chance to love!
- Do we?"

Elizabeth: The Golden Age

vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008

Letter to myself...

Lately I wake up in the morning always trying to make sense of it all. Useless… the meaning is just not there! Also I find it hard to breathe… pollution! I say to myself…
The coffee tastes like metal, food is no good “go see a doctor!” my friends tell me, which is always easier said than done, who the hell wants to see a doctor?! Hey, does he look like Jude Law? I doubt that!
So, what’s left? Lay down and die? Don’t wake up in the morning… try waking up in the evening for a change… sleep all day, party all night… no, this doesn’t sound like me. But “me” doesn’t work anymore!
Hmm… Need a change, a big one!
Something in the air tonight… a cold wind! Winter it’s coming, my nose froze on the way to work… turn on the heat, make a hot chocolate, turn on PC, check my e-mails, post a few comments, smile to my boss while doing it…
Am I the only one who’s looking for meaning in all this mess that surrounds us? Fuck, no!
But you’re the only one who's stuck… stuck… so unstuck yourself!
“Have a child!” they say… Funny!… like: “Have a break, have a kit-kat!”… my mind thinks backwards: “So, why am I here? Cuz’ my mother needed a break 30 years ago?... Stupid answer, stupid question, stupid feelings of rejection.
Come tomorrow, maybe we’ll have a drop of sun for u then ;)

marți, 4 noiembrie 2008

Approval addict

-ti-ai gresit profesia, trebuia sa fi scriitoare!
-de ce spui asta? Tu urasti scriitorii, spui ca nu fac decat sa scrie gunoaie pentru ca au nevoie de bani…
- nu ma lua in seama… serios, ar trebui sa scrii!
- pai scriu…
- nu astea, o carte!
- am sa scriu… candva, imi trebuie timp, bani… o casa la munte…
zambeste si se uita intr-o parte
- mereu alte scuze
zambesc si ma uit in jos
“deci i-a placut…”

duminică, 2 noiembrie 2008

Red and Blue

he likes the color blue
he says he always tells the truth
she loves the color red
and doesn’t want to be misled
he says he “don’t care”
then act like he might
he tells her nice things
then “forget all about!”
he’s a defender
she’s a priestess
he asks for her blessing
she’s afraid to confess
she cries on the inside
but shows him a smile
he earns her forgiveness
with one single red flower
nice afternoon talks
sharing beautiful thoughts
strong opinions each side
no need to decide.
so thus, red and blue
sometimes blue and red…
two beautiful colors
became purple instead.