luni, 27 octombrie 2008


Sambata am dat ceasurile inapoi. O vaga iluzie ca am tinut timpul in loc un ceas… de fapt, el a trecut indiferent, iar eu m-am ales cu o oboseala prematura si o senzatie de frustrare ca nu pot profita de ora furata timpului…
Daca viata e un vis, atunci moartea ar trebui sa fie o vesnica trezie ori un somn fara vise intr-un univers prin care timpul nu curge.

“…To die: to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to…”

Shakespeare. – Hamlet

vineri, 24 octombrie 2008

I'm in love with...

I’m in love with this song
And I can’t move along
Till u'll hear this song…
Cuz I’ve touched your soul
And it trembled with sorrow
I can’t take it back
And it kills me in slow-mo :P
So I try to heal
the pain that took over you
I sing and I laugh
And I’m dancing in front of you
Asking forgiveness
Till my hands bleed from begging you
I never imagined the things that u hold
Deep within you
But now that I’ve opened you
I’m going crazy
just watching the mess I’ve caused
And I’ll give my soul
to take back all the words I’ve said
So rip me apart, kill me, throw me away
All this to have back that one day in May
When everything seemed
To be possible…
And I pray
You’ll remember that day
For the rest of your life
Cuz I won’t be your wife
And you won’t be my man
But then…
we were one!

joi, 23 octombrie 2008

Frozen time

stay still…
don't you feel?
time is melting…
there will be nothing left
nothing to hold on to
but this moment
and you in it
in the present tense
for all eternity
with me.
I wonder…
would that be heaven
or hell !

miercuri, 15 octombrie 2008

I used to hide inside an elephant...

First time I saw you, you passed me by, never even looked at me. I stood still, waited for my heart to calm down… till almost stopped beating, and I was afraid I died. But, no… there I was… so I got up, slapped my face two times, and moved on my way, but my way led me to you, and once again … we met.
We talked, I could have said something wrong, I may have been annoying, once more I’ve let you slip away…
The third time… some how I’ve said the magic words that opened you towards me. I wish I could remember them, and keep those words locked, for no one else to find.

I used to hide inside an elephant… used to feel safe there. You said is better than behind a monkey, but you’d rather see me as a turtle, and yet… you were the one who told me that I look like a fish, “a pretty fish it’s true”… a fish that caught you in her hook with silly words.
I keep forgetting... the game we play… I wonder how it’s called...

It's a game, right?...

sâmbătă, 11 octombrie 2008


The place between heaven and hell in which souls are resting before their journey … hmm ...
Seems almost like my room, last night, when below, from the apartment downstairs ( ground floor ) there were screaming and shouting, crying and dirty words flying out the windows ( the elderly couple, living there in sin, were in big shape ). Same time, from the apartment above, second floor, the family of 7 ( 7th heaven lol ) who has taken the “road to salvation” for some time now, was having a religious song night, and the songs were overflowing my walls as I was trying to read Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”( ironic isn’t it? ).
Despite the fact that I’ve reduced hell and heaven to infamy and zealotry … the comparison with purgatory still stands.
Infamy attraction which is pulling us down like a gravitational force, while the pressure of righteousness over our heads is pushing us in the same direction…
Seems like we don’t stand a chance in hell to raise, through only our powers, above the sludge of the planetary soup we came from, washed ashore… like shells … we long for the ocean, for the calm…. for the absolute…

So, goin’ down? /:)

marți, 7 octombrie 2008


Stay… lay down your head and let the dream enfold you…
There’s nothing wrong in dreaming
Nothing wrong in wanting to believe
“For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Brother – Alice in Chains
You were always so far away.
I know that pain
So don't you run away like you used to do.
Frozen in the place I hide
Not afraid to paint my sky with
Some who say I've lost my mind
Brother try and hope to find
You were always so far away
I know that pain so don't you run away
Like you used to do
Roses in a vase of white
Bloodied by the thorns beside the leaves
That fall because my hand is pulling them hard as I can
You were always so far away
I know that pain and I won't run away
Like I used to do
Pictures in a box at home
Yellowing and green with mold
So I can barely see your face
Wonder how that color taste
You were always so far away
I know the way so don't you run away
Like you used to do

vineri, 3 octombrie 2008

Printesa ametita...

Traia odata o printesa, care de felul ei era cam ametita…
Toti cei care o stiau, o indragisera asa cum era ea, si o lasau sa-si duca zilele cu nasu’n carti sau mazgalind pereti, ii mai duceau de patru ori pe zi mancare calda, dimineata – rece, stiind prea bine ca mintea printesei nu statea la astfel de treburi.
Se intampla intr-o buna zi ca printesa sa se intalneasca in ratacirile ei cu un print care o invita pentru un sejur pe mosia lui de basm. Ii spuse sa caute adresa pe net, si isi vazu de drum.
Printesa gasi adresa, lasa vorba ca pleaca pentru o perioada indefinita de timp, isi lua ramas bun de la carti si pereti, si se aventura pentru prima data in viata ei intr-o calatorie fantastica de la care inca nu stia la ce sa se astepte, dar avea incredere in print si mai ales vroia sa mai stea cu el de vorba.
Castelul si mosia din jurul lui erau asa cum isi imaginase, ba chiar mai minunate, dar desi erau pline de oameni, déjà printesa se simtea singura, si se intreba ce cauta ea aici. Raspunsul il stia – venise pentru print, numai ca el umbla dupa cadane prin pesteri, si aproape ca uitase de printesa care ratacea pe coclauri si decapita balauri.
Tocmai sa gandea ca profitase de ospitalitatea printului destul, cand in a 6-a zi intalni un inger pazitor, care nu arata de fel a inger, dar numai un inger pazitor putea fi, sa o invete si indrume, sa o ajute si sa nu se supere pe ea cand era ametita… adica mai tot timpul, insa printesa nu il uitase pe print, si spera la randul ei ca nici el nu o uitase cu desavarsire… si ca poate ingerul era trimis de chiar de el, sa-i tina companie, sa inoate si sa stea la povesti cu ea. Asa a crezut pana in a 20-a zi cand ingerul a parasit-o la margine de oras, si mai era si un pod pe acolo, s-ar fi aruncat, dar intre timp invatase sa inoate si nu vroia sa-si ude hainele si sa nu ajunga la nici un rezultat definitiv…
Insa ingerul nu o lasase de izbeliste, il trimisese pe scutierul lui sa-i tina locul si sa se tina dupa fundul printesei ametite. Probabil ca se gandise si ingerul ca aia nu era functie pe care s-o presteze tocmai el. Important e ca printesa avea cu cine alerga dupa balauri si cu cine sta de vorba cand obosea.
Nu stiu cum s-a intamplat si de ce, dar la randul lui scutierul, intr-o buna zi, isi arunca scutul, isi imparti averea si pleca spre alte mosii care promiteau alte aventuri cu balauri, si fara printese cu toane, depresii, si caderi nervoase.
Pesemne printesa intalnise un alt personaj – era vorba de un vrajitor cu nume de iarba… si ea se trezi prinsa in vrajile lui in doi timpi si trei miscari, astfel ca dupa ce termina cu ea si o lasa in turn, capul inca i se mai invartea pe umeri.
De vrajitorul cu nume de iarba i-a placut ametitei cel mai tare, parea plasmuit ca din visele ei, canta la chitara si desena pe ziduri… era tatuat si fuma iarba, si isi spunea Sativa Majoon…
Si atat de ametita era incat ramasa singura printre salbaticiuni, visa la print, care intre timp alerga dupa cadane calare pe-un cal alb, si credea, isi dorea, ca el sa fie in toti pe care ii intalnea, deghizat si ascunzandu-se de ea prin chiar cotloanele mintii ei.
Printesa ametita si egocentrista care traia cu impresia ca vrajitorii si balaurii se invart in jurul fundului ei, se intalni nas in nas la o margine de drum cu un Lord care vazand-o fara directie sau scop o pofti sa intre in gasca lui vesela unde ii promise distractie si prieteni non stop.
Circumspecta, printesa se lasa greu convinsa, si abia dupa ce Lordul se dadu de trei ori peste cap si se prefacu in vulpe si o imbarliga cu vorbe iscusite, i se inmuie inima, si il urma pe acesta in oras.
Habar nu avea printesa ca urma sa dea printre prietenii Lordului tocmai de ingerul ei pazitor… speriata a fugit si i-au trebuit trei zile sa-si adune curajul si sa-si aminteasca ce citise ea odata intr-o carte – despre temerile care trebuie infruntate. Atunci a luat-o din nou spre oras in cautarea Lordului vulpe, decisa sa infrunte finalul povestii.
Eu finalul inca nu-l stiu, dar stiu ca printul are o regina si nu a vrut decat ca printesa ametita sa se simta bine in castelul lui de basm, iar ea asa de bine s-a simtit ca a uitat sa mai plece… ba inca il asteapta acolo, in turn, pe vrajitorul cu nume de iarba…